Financial Coaching

Financial Coaching


Our Financial Advisers act as” Coaches” for many Kiwis. Our mentoring program is designed to educate you and empower you to start making Smarter Financial Decisions.

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Financial Coaching

Personal financial education is not something just anyone can deliver. The majority of providers are very good at providing financial information, yet have little experience or training in providing financial education.

We meet with you, one to one, to help gain skills on how to become financially fit.  We cut the jargon so you understand what it really means - and we bust the myths around money, budgeting and investing.

We’ll help in the following areas:

  • Building emergency savings

  • Simplifying your budget

  • Understanding retirement contributions and how KiwiSaver really works

  • Credit card, student loan and consumable debt pay down strategies

  • Custom goals, like home buying and adventures

  • Building good money habits and breaking bad ones

  • The back-up plan – no surprises!

This advice will be tailored to your needs through a working partnership with your adviser.

Does financial coaching sound right for you?