Wellbeing Programmes for Employees are more important than ever!
Many employees spend more time at the office than they do at home, and they can spend more time on the job than they do with their loved ones. Wellness programs are typically designed to help employees take care of themselves so they can perform better at work, but they often include benefits that extend beyond the office walls.
Reduce stress/anxiety – increase productivity and output
Irrespective of how much money an individual is earning, the chance of them only being 3-4 missed paycheques away from struggle is high. Financial troubles at home are unlikely to stay at home – instead, staff will be bringing them to work and spending valuable hours stressing over their current situation.
Improve employer branding and appeal – especially over the short-term
Brand perception is massive in the modern era, so making sure you’re taking extra good care of your employees is always a good way to stay safe. Recruiting has become increasingly challenging lately due to a competitive job market and a shortage of skilled candidates. As long as hiring remains a struggle, it will be vital for your company to appeal to job hunters to give you a cutting edge over other potential employers.
Boost staff retention and loyalty – show staff they’re valued
How you act now may well determine how your staff view the business for years to come. By providing your staff with effective resources and opportunities to get through these tough times, retention and loyalty will only go up.
Statistics sourced from Commission for Financial Capability (CFFC) Annual Report 2018/2019
Improve Employee Engagement
Don't miss this opportunity to reward and retain your employees.
Get in touch to discuss how your business could benefit from the programme.