Money Month: 'Touch, pause, and engage' your finances.

Picture your financial journey as a dynamic sequence: "Touch, Pause, Engage," just like in rugby. Life can be unpredictable, so you must be ready!

Touch: Begin by reaching out and touching base on your financial goals. This is like acknowledging your goals – whether it's buying a home, saving for a trip to Europe or achieving financial independence. It's the moment when you make a tangible connection with what you want to achieve.

Pause: Next, pause to evaluate your spending habits. Think of it as timeout in the game where you assess your financial actions. Consider your income, expenses, and overall financial health. Reflect on whether your spending habits align with your goals. This pause allows you to make informed decisions and adjust your approach if needed.

Engage: Just as a rugby player re-enters the game with renewed energy, engage with your finances in a purposeful manner. Embrace new, constructive money habits that support your goals. This could mean creating a budget, building an emergency fund, investing wisely, or paying off debt. The key is to actively participate in actions that pave the way for your financial success. We have a team of experienced financial advisers to help with this step - book in a free chat  >> 

Your financial journey should mirror the strategy of a rugby game. By touching base with your goals, pausing to assess your actions, and engaging with purposeful money habits, you're better equipped to tackle the challenges and opportunities that come your way, ensuring a secure financial future.

Holly Jones